
Maximo World 2018社区用户组46:30


哈佛大学最近改变了与位于马萨诸塞州剑桥和波士顿的25MSF物理工厂的维护和运营相关的所有关键工作流程。这个成功的项目影响了700多名员工,其中包括250多名EZMax Mobile用户。该项目的独特挑战包括在三个独特的劳动协议、采购和客户账单中,将所有资产和工作管理记录与小时工资完全集成。(哈佛的内部团队在完全成本回收模式下与外部供应商竞争服务。这种“零授权”环境为内包与外包的决策提供了明确的问责制和价值衡量。)该项目的成果包括一套全面的集成工具,预计将显著提高效率,改善法规遵从性,并降低管理成本。年化结果包括取消了5万多张考勤卡和25万行工资数据录入;书面工作订单7万份;1.2万份纸质采购订单,1万多份附加表格,包括材料需求、请假请求和加班跟踪。所有新的Maximo / EZMax Mobile功能都直接与现有的Peoplesoft®、Oracle®和Progress®数据库连接。 This presentation will include a brief review of the fully integrated and paperless tools for: employee entry of daily time cards; absence reporting and time off requests; supervisory management of active and forecasted staffing rosters; automated distribution of overtime offers and response tracking; interactive vendor portal for materials requests; real time tracking of those orders from initial request through to final delivery at the local work site; reporting and tracking use of Lock Out / Tag Out equipment; fire safety system impairment and restoral tracking; reporting logs of all building inspections and tour results; real time work status updates for customers; as well as on-line work requests and reporting.

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